What We Believe
What We Believe
What we believe is based upon what is taught in The Bible.
A summary of what we believe is given below but a more detailed explanation of what we believe can be found in the web site of another Gospel hall who have given us consent to use their statement of beliefs [CLICK HERE to see this detail]
- We believe the Bible to be of Divine inspiration - i.e. whilst written by various men over several hundred years, what they thought and wrote was influenced by God.
- We believe in one God who exists in 3 different persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe that all humanity is sinful i.e. has failed to keep God's commandments.
- We believe that the consequence of being a sinner is eternal separation and banishment from God and His dwelling place in heaven.
- We believe, however, that God is love and has proved that by sending His son – Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.
- We believe that anybody can be saved from God's eternal wrath by simply accepting what God has done in the person and work of Christ in His death at Calvary.
- We believe that Christ rose from the dead and hence Christians are followers of a living person.
- We believe we have a responsibility to try to tell others about the work of Christ to save the repentant sinner.
- We believe that Christians should meet together as did the early church to worship God, to remember His son in the Breaking of Bread, to preach the Gospel and to study the Bible and communicate it’s truths to others and to pray.
- We believe in the personal return of Christ [ His second coming].
- We believe that we should function as an independent fellowship depending on the guidance of elders and preaching by local and visiting lay preachers.