The word “Gospel” just means “Good News”. The best way to appreciate the good news is to understand the bad news first! THE BAD NEWS the Bible explains, is that all of the human race is at enmity with God because of our sinful nature i.e. the fact that we commit sin [i.e. anything that falls short of God’s standards].
It says in Romans 3 v 23 “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.
This means that mankind as sinners cannot gain entry to heaven where God dwells.
THE GOOD NEWS is that God in his love has provided a potential solution to the problem. He sent His son – Jesus Christ- who whilst he brought so much blessing to people during His life time in the land of Israel, He did a greater work in His death. The Bible says "Christ died for our sins" [ 1 Corinthians 15 v 3 ].
However, just as in society there may be remedies for people’s physical ailments which can only be of benefit if people believe the remedies are there for the taking and then actually take them, so too the benefit of what Christ did in His death at Calvary can only be of personal benefit to those who confess to believe it and accept the truth of it and seek God’s forgiveness and become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ – i.e. become a Christian.
Visitors to our web site may wish to avail themselves of resources explained below.
- A daily audio Bible based message of help and encouragement can be heard by telephoning a UK number and just listening – 015-542-53-542
- A text based daily Bible based message can be read by linking to gospelfolio.com/category/choice-gleanings
- A free booklet called “Considering Christianity” can be requested from our “Contact Page”
- A free DVD called “The Cross” by American evangelist, Billy Graham, can be requested on our “Contact Page”
- Audio Bible based messages can also be heard by linking to hebrongospelhall.org
- Bible stories and messages of relevance to children can be accessed on postalbibleschool.com [This website has the facility to select language choice]